Bensley VA Worker’s Compensation Attorneys

If you are or your family member is injured in a job-related accident, you deserve compensation. If you are injured while working, contact ReidGoodwin so our team of legal professionals can establish what you should do next.

Whether you are unable to work due to incapacity, have lost wages, your hospital statements have piled up, or a family member has passed away, you have remedies. You may be able to recover for slip and falls, burns, attacks, permanent injuries to yourself, or death of a family member.

Depending on the severity of the injury, you may obtain permanent or partial disability payments, medical treatment benefits, and/or death compensation payments. 

Work-Related Injury Law Firm in Bensley

Business owners are required to have worker’s compensation insurance in Virginia. If an employee is harmed on the job, he or she will have the opportunity to recover through the owner’s worker’s compensation insurance and will shield the employer from a claim.

The Virginia Worker’s Compensation Commission works to aid harmed people get compensation for job-related injuries and sets out the applicable protocols. You will want an experienced legal representative to connect and interact with the commission given that worker’s compensation claims have been known to become complicated without ample legal representation and guidance. 

Auto crashes are never planned but happen daily, which can make driving dangerous. As a part of certain jobs’ needs, certain employees are directed to drive to and from areas throughout their day.

Bensley VA Worker’s Comp Legal Pros

You are likely to recover from an injury involving a car crash if you were driving within the scope of your employment. In order to help you determine whether you will have a successful case, you should contact our knowledgeable team so that we can look over all the facts of your injury. 

Whether you are dealing with the loss of bodily functions, harm, or dismemberment from your work, compensation may be available to you in Virginia. You will also be able to recover for “occupational diseases,” if it is traced back to your employment.

Your personal injuries will establish how much compensation you will have the ability to obtain relying on how intense they are and your average weekly income. The Virginia Worker’s Compensation Commission will calculate the magnitude of your wounds and the sum that you will be compensated up to.

To ensure that you are given a fair sum for your injuries, an experienced legal professional will consult with the commission on your account, so you do not have to. 

If your husband, wife, or relative that you have been depending on has passed away as a result of a work-related fatality, you may have the ability to recover. Your loved ones should feel safe while working and you will be able to fight for those rights after their passing away. Virginia allows for up to $10,000 in burial costs, $1,000 in transportation expenses, and financial help for dependents. 

Worker’s Comp Attorney Near Me

If you sustain a work-related injury, or your family member has passed away after a work-related death, contact our experienced team at (804) 415-7800 for a free consultation to see what ReidGoodwin can do for you as soon as possible.