Texting While Driving: One Of The Most Commonly Broken Laws

In 2019, pretty much everyone has a cell phone and uses it to send text messages. While cell phones have made many things much more convenient in our daily lives, it has also been the cause for serious injuries and death when used while driving. Driving requires your full attention because accidents can happen in a snap of a finger and looking away for even only a few seconds can be dangerous. Despite the eye-opening statistics, people have continued to use their cell phones illegally while driving. This has unfortunately been a seemingly never-ending problem.

Virginia Law

In Virginia, you will be pulled over if a police officer sees you or suspects that you are on your phone and texting while driving. If you were texting, you may be fined. The first offense will cost you $125 and any following offenses will cost $250. Additionally, if you are caught texting in a highway worker’s zone, you will be fined a mandatory $250 regardless if it was the first offense. This rule applies not only to text messaging, but also reading emails and entering anything onto your phone using the keypad.


The distractions don’t just stop at cell phones. Today, technology has made it possible for you to read and send texts and emails on your smartwatch. Although it is currently legal to drive while wearing a smartwatch, they can be just as dangerous as cell phones because you will have to take your eyes off the road to check it.

What You Can Do

To stop texting and driving, companies have been making it easier for people to keep their phone away while driving. iPhones, for example, have a “Do Not Disturb” setting that you can be enabled while driving. It sends an automated message to let people know that you are currently unavailable and not receiving notifications. Once you turn the setting off, you will receive any text messages that came in while you were driving.

Contact Us

Texting while driving is a serious problem and people that disregard the law should be held accountable. If you were involved in a car accident involving a distracted driver, contact our attorneys at ReidGoodwin today so we can help you receive the help you deserve. Call us at (804) 415-7800.

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