RG Brings Joy to Local Seniors This Valentine’s Day

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, ReidGoodwin partnered with The Giving Heart for the Senior Secret Valentines Bag Project! The program provides the option of creating generic or personalized bags, both of which include a list of recommended items to include toiletries, warm weather items, and personal requests, such as stationary and snacks. This project began in 2009 as an off-shoot to the Community Thanksgiving Feast Project after discovering that the number of remaining toiletries and warm weather items worked perfectly for the independently living seniors in the Hanover area. Through the generosity of volunteers and supporters, this project has now grown into a stand alone project delivering over 700 Valentine-themed bags to seniors in Hanover, Chesterfield, New Kent and the city of Richmond.

This year, ReidGoodwin broke out in teams to complete six personalized valentine bags for independent living seniors in the Greater Richmond Area. ReidGoodwin is excited to have this opportunity to continue supporting such a great organization within our local community. If you or anyone you may know would like more information about The Giving Heart and their projects, you may do so by clicking here, or by contacting Viki Neilson at vneilson@thegivingheart.org

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