How to Choose the Right Lawyer

One factor that can greatly impact the outcome of your case is which lawyer you choose and if they are the best fit for you. After careful consideration you select a lawyer, but how do you know you picked the right one? Here are some things to consider when choosing a lawyer:

1) Do they handle your type of case?

Sometimes it can be difficult to know what kind of case you have, after all not everyone can be a legal expert, that’s why you’re trying to find one. However, you can save yourself a lot of time and effort if you can narrow down what type of case you think you may have and search for a lawyer who practices in that area. In an injury case, some examples of different practice areas include slip and fall (premise liability), truck crash cases, workers’ compensation, medical malpractice, and car crash cases.

2) Are you comfortable with them?

Your attorney’s job is to act as an advocate for you; in order to do so effectively they need to have all the facts of your case. Finding a lawyer who you can be completely honest with and feel comfortable sharing potentially sensitive information with can immensely help your case and can also be therapeutic.

3) Are they leaders of the law and the community?

There are many factors contribute to the efficacy of a legal professional. For all types of professionals in general, continued learning and education is not only what inherently comes with experience, but is often required of individuals to keep their license to practice. Look for a lawyer who has taken their oath to serve others and continues to further their wealth of knowledge by attending conventions and conferences and is engaged in teaching and volunteer work in the community.

4) What is their communication style?

If you have a question, what is the best way to reach your lawyer? Or do you even need to speak with them? Many lawyers have a team of legal assistants and paralegals that are familiar with the details of your case and can answer questions for you while your attorney is in court. Regardless of who you need to speak with about your case, prioritize finding an individual or team who is communicative and responds to you in a timely manner.

5) Have they had successful judgements for your type of case?

As mentioned earlier, many professionals commit themselves to a lifetime of learning, but being an excellent lawyer doesn’t just mean putting in the work. What separates a good lawyer from a great lawyer hinges on their ability to deliver the best possible outcomes for their clients. This means finding a lawyer who has a proven track record of favorable decisions with claims like yours. Many attorneys will have these court decisions and client testimonials listed on their website for potential clients to see which adds a level of accessibility and transparency.

Contact Us

If you are looking for an attorney, call ReidGoodwin at (804) 415-7800 for a free no obligation consultation. We focus on personal injury claims which includes motor vehicle accidents, truck crash cases, premise liability (slip and fall), assault, and workers’ compensation. If we do not handle your type of case, we can refer you to one of our trusted colleagues who does.

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