Back to School Safety Guidelines

As the school year starts traffic on the road increases. Take a moment to review these traffic rules and safety guidelines with your family.

Drivers must stop for school buses. When driving near a school bus, remain vigilant.

  • Flashing yellow lights mean that the school bus is about to stop to pick up children. Slow down and watch for children approaching the bus.
  • Flashing red lights and stop signs mean that children are actively boarding the bus. You must stop your car until the red lights stop flashing AND the stop sign is folded back into the side of the bus.
  • Always watch for children, particularly in school zones and neighborhoods, and especially during drop-off and pick-up times.

Even though these precautions are in place, parents should still remind their children to be cautious when waiting for, boarding, and exiting the bus.

  • Stay at least 10 feet back from the curb while waiting for the bus.
  • Do not play, run, or push others while waiting for the bus.
  • Only board the bus once it has come to a complete stop.
  • After exiting the bus, look both ways for oncoming traffic before crossing the street.

Many children walk or bike to school in their neighborhoods. Follow these safety guidelines to help prevent injury:


  • Always wear a helmet and wear it securely.
  • Ride in the same direction as traffic and follow all traffic signals.
  • Whenever possible, stay in a bike lane, on a sidewalk, or on a path.
  • Never use electronics – including headphones – while riding.


  • Whenever possible, stay on a sidewalk or path. If there isn’t one, walk on the edge of the street and face traffic.
  • Use crosswalks and look both ways before crossing the street.
  • Watch the road, not your phone.

If you or anyone you know is injured while commuting to and from school, call the law office of ReidGoodwin at 804-415-7800.


Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Image via Freepik

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